The Shop

50A High Street,

Phone: 01829 733251 Email:

Opening Times

Tues-Sat: 10:00am - 17:30pm
Other times by appointment.

Si Belle ladies boutique in Tarporley

Covid-19 Guidelines for visiting Si belle

October 5

Si Belle is currently open from 11:00 am to 04:00 pm, Wednesday to Saturday inclusive.

We can also open at other times. Please call or text Sibel on 07894 276071.

At the current time, to ensure everyone’s safety and in accordance with social distancing guidelines. only one customer will be admitted into Si Belle at any one time. For this reason, it is better if you book appointments in advance.

If you find the door of the shop locked and no-one else is waiting outside, knock, and we will come and tell you how long you may have to wait.


Customers will be required to use hand sanitizer upon arrival. Masks and gloves are available should you require them.

Please maintain recommended social distancing at all times within Si Belle.

Please be aware that every garment that you try and do not buy will be steamed immediately afterwards and quarantined for 48 hours before being returned to the shop floor.

Please note that Si Belle does not permit garments to be removed from the premises to be tried elsewhere.

Payments must be by card. The payment machine is disinfected before and after use.

All surfaces which have, or may have been, touched during a customer visit, will be cleaned and disinfected immediately after the visit.

We realise that these precautions may seem onerous and pedantic. However, they are required by government guidelines and are in the best interests of public health: your health, and our health.

With all of these procedures inn place we hope you feel confident to visit Si Belle and we will be delighted to see you.

Love and best wishes from everyone at Si Belle.



Sibelle Logo

The Shop

50A High Street,

Phone: 01829 733251 Email:

Opening Times

Tues-Sat: 10:00am - 17:30pm
Other times by appointment.

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