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50A High Street,

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Opening Times

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Si Belle advert in December Cheshire Life

Getting the correct Advertising image

March 5

Preparing advertising imagery sometimes requires one to gamble.

When we prepared the Si BelleĀ® advert for the December 2016 issue of Cheshire Life we had a received an image from Elie Tahari which was just too good not to use.

Because the print deadline date was before the US presidential election we had no idea who would win. But like most people, we never expected Donald Trump to win. We were, so far as we were concerned, on the verge of seeing a historic moment, the first woman president of the US.

But it was not to be. Nevertheless, the advert, showing a glamorous lady at the desk of power, may be a glimpse of something that might be in the future, perhaps the US’s answer to Canada’s Justin Trudeau!

But first, we have to survive Donald Trump!

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The Shop

50A High Street,

Phone: 01829 733251 Email:

Opening Times

Tues-Sat: 10:00am - 17:30pm
Other times by appointment.

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