The Shop

50A High Street,

Phone: 01829 733251 Email:

Opening Times

Tues-Sat: 10:00am - 17:30pm
Other times by appointment.

International Women's Day

International Women’s Day – Let’s celebrate Women!

March 9

International Women’s Day is today!  A time to celebrate and commemorate the movement for women’s rights.  Whatever political leaning people may have, the current movement pressing for change and true equality for women in all aspects of life can only be seen as a good thing.

March 8 – International Women’s Day

Here at Si Belle® International Women’s Day is hugely important to us and the sentiments behind it resonate deeply.  Sibel’s ethos has always been very clear – to ensure that every woman leaves Si Belle® feeling confident and secure in her own style. 

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” Coco Chanel

This sentiment from one of the greatest style icons the world has ever known is one to live by. Once a woman finds the confidence to be herself, often expressed through her style, her self-belief and individual beauty shines through for all to see.  Whatever you may choose to call it – her aura, character or spirit; its physical expression is often demonstrated through a strong sense of style.

Style and Self-confidence:

Some people may struggle to discover their own style.  Yet, when given encouragement to find a style which suits their shape, age, personality and lifestyle, this can lead to a blossoming of self-confidence.  The positivity which comes from feeling well-dressed and knowing that you look like the very best version of yourself can never be over-estimated.  At Si Belle® we come across so many fabulous women who lack self-confidence.  Many women put immense pressure on themselves and they are always their own harshest critics.  It gives us huge amounts of satisfaction to see these same women leaving Si Belle® walking taller, feeling stronger and with greater self-esteem.

Dress to impress yourself:

Sibel has made an art form out of dressing women, whatever their age, body shape or requirements.  She knows just which tailored outfit will give the edge for an important business meeting, which breathtaking gown will give the confidence needed to walk into a Ball or drinks reception and which perfectly cut jeans will offer some extra sparkle to a tired new Mum.  Whatever their need, Sibel never fails to leave every single woman feeling and looking a million dollars.

Fashion labels to empower women:

The labels Si Belle stocks are bold, with a common theme of celebrating modern, strong, independent femininity.  To call a few to mind, brands like Perseverance London are uncompromisingly tough and fearless

Perseverance London


Tory Burch is bold and defiantly bohemian

Tory Burch American fashion label
Tory Burch


whilst Paule Ka and PH 15 offer modern sophistication

paule Ka fashion label is stocked at Si Belle
Paule ka


Making a difference:

We like to think that our boutique in the small village of Tarporley offers something exceptional – an environment where women truly can explore and express their own style.  A place which gives women tools to help take command of their own destiny.  These women, our customers, prove every day in so many ways, that we can all make a difference and help make that gender gap just a little smaller.  So on this significant day for women remember that the small things make a big difference.  They may only be clothes but if they give you the confidence to walk with your head held high then they have done something amazing.

The final word comes from Sibel’s very wise father who told her today:

If you are a happy woman then every day is International Woman’s Day”

Sibelle Logo

The Shop

50A High Street,

Phone: 01829 733251 Email:

Opening Times

Tues-Sat: 10:00am - 17:30pm
Other times by appointment.

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